Istituto Comprensivo di Sarzana
The Istituto Comprensivo ISA 13 is located in Sarzana - Italy, a Ligurian city of about 22,000 inhabitants and second urban center in the province of La Spezia. The ISA 13 gathers all the schools, from preprimary to secondary level of first grade, present in the municipal area for a total of over 1600 students and 180 teachers. The area is affected by a moderate migratory flow, the incidence of the population of foreign origin (mainly coming from Romania, Morocco and Albania) is about 7.8%. Some schools, in the first outskirts of the city,
welcome nomadic communities, some of which have actually been settled for years. The socio-economic background of origin of the students is mainly medium-high, but obviously there are situations of socio-economic disadvantage.

Integrated Digital Education (DDI - Didattica Digitale Integrata in Italian) has an important place in the educational program of ISA 13, both in support of face-to-face lessons and in replacement of any lockdown situations. During the emergency period that occurred in the academic year 2019/2020, the institute's teachers guaranteed, at a distance, the coverage of the educational activities provided for in the curriculum, ensuring daily contact with pupils of all levels and the development of the educational program reformulated according to ministerial indications. This allowed all the teaching staff of the Institute to self-train on Distance Learning (DAD).
Despite the great organizational effort, there were difficulties in reaching some students.
Always looking for innovation and comparison, the teachers of the ISA 13 are very willing to take part in this project.
ISA 13 takes part in the 3D ReMath project (3D printing technology as a tool to allow students to understand mathematics and recycling procedures), and the skills reached with this collaboration make our school a helpful partner for this new project.
School website