University of the Aegean
The University of the Aegean (UoA) was founded in 1984. It is a Network University of “academic ports of studies and research”, successfully established in 6 campuses spread across the Aegean Archipelago and offers a unique academic, natural, cultural and human environment to experience. UAegean is a strong social and economic factor and acts as Regional Innovator in the 2 Greek Regions of the Aegean Archipelago: The North Aegean and the South Aegean Region. In 34 years, the UoA has evolved into an international research –oriented University offering 18 undergraduate (BA or BSc) and 43 MSc or MA postgraduate programmes, in modern interdisciplinary thematic areas such as environment, communication systems, cultural informatics, business & tourism, shipping, logistics & transport, product design, food and nutritional sciences, education design and Mediterranean studies. In addition, the UoA has established joined international postgraduate programmes (in Biodiversity, Environmental Policy and Management, European Integration), as well as joined PhD degree programmes in a wide range of thematic areas. With accomplished academic staff and scientists enjoying worldwide recognition, and with over than a hundred state of the art laboratories and research groups, the UoA encourages and supports research in an ethical, sustainable, productive, multicultural service and application oriented environment, on a team and individual basis. Specialized, cross-country, fast track research agendas cover a broad range of disciplines and are frequently at the core of joint MoUs (Memoranda of Understanding). The UoA is an active member of the European Universities Association (EUA), the Euraxess network, member of the EMUNI senate and recently participates in the European Reform University Alliance [ERUA], under the European Universities Initiative of Erasmus+.
UoA has established teleconferencing facilities in each island and Athens unit, used for administrative and academic purposes. Through these facilities it can offer Modules for short seminars and courses based on distance learning methodology. Advanced information systems support online communication between University Units and financial services.
The Quality Assurance Unit of the UoA coordinates and supports the internal and external evaluation procedures through a unified quality assurance (QA) system. Committed to its mandate, the University launched, on cutting edge topics with strong interdisciplinary perspectives, the "UoA Summer Schools" in the fields of Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences, Environment, Technology, and Business.
UoA) provides extensive support for general information technology infrastructure, including servers, storage, accounts, management and administration. (UoA) will provide the scientific research team access to Internet and library access, and an official homepage at the University’s website. Data protection: (UoA) collects and processes legal open data legally, honestly and transparently, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). (UoA) limits collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary, in accordance with the principle of data minimization. IPR Issues: Intellectual Property is: essential at all stages of the project. The scientific research team with the support of the Legal Department of the (UoA) and the Knowledge Transfer Office of the (RU), shall take into consideration the Rules for Participation, the model grant agreement, the Work Programme, and the Guide for Applicant, for the effective IPR management of the project. AWARDS: UoA (School of Humanities) received in 2009, the award of "Excellence" in the use of new technologies from the European Foundation for Quality in e Learning (UNIQUE). PERSONNEL: Faculty Staff (total): 387, Administrative Staff: 297, Undergraduate Students 13.346, Postgraduate Students 2.131. TOTAL: 15.477.
Two laboratories of the University of the Aegean are involved in the implementation of this project:
QMLab (Quantitative Methods Laboratory is founded in August 2003 and is located within the Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean, in Chios (Chios island, Greece)
The Quantitative Methods Laboratory’s main fields of research are Quantitative Methods, 3D Printing, Management Science, Regional Development, Banking and Finance, and Accounting.

PrivaSi Lab was founded in September 2017, and is located within the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean, in Mytilene (Lesvos island, Greece)
The Privacy Engineering and Social Informatics Lab's main research runs interdisciplinary research activities in the fields of Security, Privacy, Applied Computer Sciences, and Informatics in Social Sciences.