Students Meetings
Students Common Activities
Chios - Agia Marina
Teachers’ and students’meetings of the partner schools implementing European projects motivate the participants and have a great impact on the quality of the project results.
The 6graders of the 2ndChios Primary School traveled to Lesvos to work together with the students of Agia Marina Kindergarten from 18th to 19th of May 2022.
In the welcoming courtyard of Agia Marina kindergarten, the students sang, exchanged gifts, tasted traditional delicacies and presented a part of the intangible and tangible cultural heritage of the two islands. They took part in activities of the 3D4CE with enthusiasm. They programmed the bee-bots robots to meet the 3d-printed monuments of the participating countries and assembled the pieces to create puzzles of the great monuments from Greece, Italy and Portugal. Τhe 6graders took the role of the guide and the little ones learned by playing with them.
Then the students visited the Museum of the folk painter Theofilos. The roles changed. The little ones became tour guides, presenting the painter's life and everyone participated at a game of research and discovery in the Museum's exhibits.
The parents of the two schools were involved in the process, the local community and the authorities of Agia Marina were informed about the project on the occasion of the visit. The action was disseminated with a press release on local social-media pages.