2nd Learning, Teaching and Training

2nd Learning Teaching Training Activity
The 2nd Learning, Teaching and Training activity was held in Agia Marina in Lesvos island in 1-3rd of October 2022.The training of the teachers from the cooperating schools was undertaken by the QmLab and PriVasi Lab of Aegen University. The objective of the 2nd LTT was for the teachers to delve into the use of new 3D Technology applications and software concerning the 3d scanner and 3d printers.
The instructors presented the following programmes aiming at enriching the knowledge of the trainees:
Mesh mixer
Photogrametry and laser scanning
Handheld 3d scanning
Finally, the University team suggested activities teachers have to implement in the classroom. All the partners discussed the activities and made suggestions. At the end of the 2ndt LTT the trainees were well prepared and empowered to implement the 2nd Round of Students training course.