3rd Kindergarten of Archangelos
The 3rd Kindergarten of Archangelos is a modern school located on the island of Rhodes. In our kindergarten there are 2 Compulsory Hours and 1 Optional All-Day classes, 4 teachers work (2 permanent & 2 substitutes) and 50 students attend. Our kindergarten also has an Integration Department for students with disabilities and special educational needs that accommodates 8 children. In particular, the majority of our school's students come from middle-income and cultural family backgrounds.

In recent years, our kindergarten has utilized and modernized the school facilities with new infrastructure were financed by actions taken by Teachers and the Parents & Guardians Association. Given the technological explosion of our days, the logistical infrastructure and equipment of our kindergarten (furniture, materials, instruments, supervisory means, machines, etc.) are sufficient and respond to modern teaching and learning processes.
We also achieved the "opening" of our kindergarten to society, having high levels of cooperation between those involved in the educational process, the parents, the local community (e.g. cooperation with the South Aegean Region for the production of educational material that was distributed to the schools of Rhodes) etc.
The 3rd Kindergarten of Archangelos, apart from the teaching work, is active in:
Environmental Education programs (participation in the Collective Volume entitled "Designing Educational Programs for Preschool Education" with the educational program "The horse of the Archangel Rhodes emits sos"),
Health Education programs (Shining Teeth, etc.),
Cultural Programs (educational programs for the promotion and preservation of the cultural heritage of Archangelos that won 3 prizes in the International Student Short Film Competition "Cinema... have you read?"), participated in the International Documentary Festival "BEYOND BORDERS - KASTELLORIZO" and in Rhodes Filmmaking Festival - Cine Club - Education),
eTwinning projects (with the project "A European Winder"),
Erasmus programs (his application to the I.KY. regarding his participation in the action "Learning Mobility of School Education Personnel", with code 2014-1-EL01-KA101-000194, and title: "We learn better, we collaborate more effectively. Knowledge, quality, innovation and a European dimension in our kindergarten" within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program. This school year it participates in the program entitled: "3D Printing: A Cultural accelerator for Education" of the University of the Aegean approved by the European Commission and financed under the Erasmus+ programme).
Today, the 3rd Kindergarten of Archangelos aspires to continue to be an extroverted school, open to creativity and innovation, which believes in the abilities of its students, fully integrated into the society of new technologies and information.
Indicative actions:
https://blogs.sch.gr/3niparcha/?p=2247 (Collective volume entitled "Designing Educational Programs for Preschool Education" – the horse of Archangelos emits sos)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_kiSmpRS7U (Revival of the Traditional Wedding of Archangelos by the 3rd Kindergarten of Archangelos)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oZHdTyD4tQ (From wheat to bread... The way of growing, milling, kneading, and baking, as was traditionally done in the old days in Archangelos)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mun3hKZ3XOI&t=68s (recording of some, perhaps the most representative, games from the region of Archangelos Rhodes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBG1k0eGPJc (Flavors of Archangelos That Are Lost Over Time)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tR7wMvdMj8 (3D Printing: a Cultural accelerator for Education, Erasmus+)
Website: https://blogs.sch.gr/3niparcha/