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1st Transnational Project Meeting

Sarzana, Italy 
November, 10-11 2021

 The 1st transnational project meeting of the project “3D4CE” has been held on  Wednesday 10th to Thursday 11thof November 2021, in ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana Italy.

  The participants of “3D4CE” comprise of the research team of the Quantitative Methods Laboratory and the Privacy Engineering and Social Informatics Laboratory of the University of the Aegean and school teachers and Representatives of the 2nd Primary School of Chios, ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana (Italy) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Marrazes (Portugal) and 3rd Nipiagogeio Archaggelou Rodou, Nipiagogio  Agia Marina  Lesvos, Paidi & Dimiourgia Athens.


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