Informative Events
2nd Primary School of Chios
On Wednesday 13th of July the staff of 2nd Primary school of Chios had the opportunity to give an interview at a local tv-show about the 3D4CE project. The interview focused on the 3D-printing technology in teaching and learning process. The interview took place in our mini 3D-Printing Laboratory and the journalist had the chance to ask about the 3D-printing procedure, the students involvement and the learning outcomes. Furthermore there were presented the 3d-printed models of the monuments and many others, the goals of the 3D4CE program and the results of two different national 3D-Printing competitions for Primary schools, where our students took awards of excellence. Last but not least that video shows the way our equipment from the Program works, including the 3D-Printers, the 3D-pens and the 3D-scanners.